Страницы авторов "Тёмного леса"
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1. | On some criteria for the regularity of spaces of the type (B). Doklady Akad NAUK SSSR CN.S.) 20 (1938), 243-246 (Russian) |
2. | On some properties of regular spaces. Doklady Akad. NAUK SSSR 22 (1939), 394-398 |
3. | (with M.G. Krein) On extreme points of regular convex sets. Studia Math. 9 (1940), 133-138 MR 3,90 |
4. | (with B.J. Levin) On subspaces of C, consisting of functions of bounded variation. KHARKOV NOTES of Math. Soc. (4), 16 (1940), 102-105 |
5. | (with M.G. Krein and M.A. Rutman) A note on bases in Banach space. Comm. Inst. Sci. Math. Mec. Univ. Kharkoff (Zapiski Inst. Math. Mech.) (4) 16, 106-110 (1940) (Russian, English summary) Math. Rev. 3, 49 (1942) |
6. | Sur une classification des points du spectre d'un operateur Lineaire. Doklady Akad. NAUK SSSR (N.S.) 33, 279-287 (1941) |
7. | Norms in topological rings. Doklady Akad. NAUK SSSR, 47 (1945), 166-168 |
8. | Characteristics of extremal points of regularly convex sets. Doklady Akad. NAUK SSSR 57 (1947) 110-122 (Russian) Math. Rev. 9, 192 |
9. | (with M.S. Brodskii) On the center of a convex set. Doklady Akad. NAUK SSSR (N.S.) 59, 837-840 (1948) (Russian) Math. Rev. 9, 448 (1948) |
10. | Accessible points of a functional compact set. Doklady Akad NAUK SSR 59 N6 (1948) 1045-1048 (Russian) Math. Rev. 9, 449 |
11. | Isometry and extremal points. Doklady Akad NAUK SSSR (N5) 59, 1241-1244 (1948) (Russian) Math. Rev. 9, 516 (1948) |
12. | Dynamical systems defined by functionals and invariant measures on them. Dokl. Akad. NAUK SSSR 59C19481, 1397-1398 (Russian) Math. Rev. 9, 449 |
13. | (with M.A. Rutman) On more precise theorem about completeness of the system of extremal points of a regularly convex set. Dokl. Akad. NAUK SSSR 60 (1948), 25-27 (Russian) Math. Rev. 9, 448 |
14. | (with M.G. Krein and M.A. Krasnoselski) On the defect numbers of linear operators in Banach space and some geometric questions. Sbornik Trudov Inst. Acad. NAUK Uk.SSR 11, 97-112 (1948) (Russian) |
15. | Extremal points and centers of convex bicompacts. Uspehi Math. Nauk (N.S.) 4, na 5 (33), 179-181 (1949) (Russian) Math. Rev. 11, 117 (1950) |
16. | Multimetric spaces. Analysis of the invariant subsets of a multinormed bicompact space under a semigroup of nonincreasing operators. Dokl. Akad. NAUK SSSR 67 (1949) 27-30 (Russian) Math. Rev. 11, 117 |
17. | On the theory of rings with involution. Dokl. Akad. NAUK SSSR 76 (1951), 349-352. (Russian) Math. Rev. 12, 618 |
18. | The facial structure of a convex bicompact space and integral decompositions of means. Dokl. Akad. NAUK SSSR 83 (1952) 357-360 (Russian) Math. Rev. 13, 848 |
19. | On integral representations of functions of several variables. Dokl. Akad. NAUK 87(1952), 9-10 (Russian) Math. Rev. 14, 546 |
20. | Some theorems of non-linear functional analysis and their application in the theory of local groups. Scientific Communications, Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 12 (1957), no. 1 (73) 222-226. Amer. Mat. Soc. Trans (2), VJ.6, 437-442 |
21. | (with V.A. Breskin, and A. Ju. Lev) On contractions of the frequency spectrum of binary informations with small probability of one of the states. Izv. Vyzov., Radiothechnik, 4 (1958), 466-473 |
22. | Some theorems of non linear functional analysis and their applications to the theory of local groups. TRUDY of the 3 Soviet Math. Congress, 4 (1959) 58-59 |
23. | (with V.D. Milman) Some geometric properties of non-reflexive spaces. Dokl. Akad. NAUK SSSR, 152 (1963), 52-54. Soviet Math. Dokl. 4 (1963), 1250-1252 Math. Rev. v.28, 1478 |
24. | Separators of non linear functionals and their linear extensions. Izv. Akad. NAUK SSSR Ser. Mat. 27 (1963) 118 9; English transl. Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) 54 (1966), 153 Math. Rev. v. 29, 498 |
25. | (with V.D. Milman) Some properties of non-reflexive Banach spaces. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 65 (107) (1964), 486-4-97, Math. Rev. 30, 1383 |
26. | (with V.D. Milman) The geometry of nested families with empty intersection. The structure of the unit sphere of non reflexive space. Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 66 (188) (1965), 109-118. Math. Rev. v. 31 2596, Amer. Math. Soc. Trans., (2) v. 85, 233-243 |
27. | Formulation and solution of a general boundary value problem in operator theory as an aspect of funtional analysis problems of Cauchy and Dirichlet type. Doklady AN SSSR (1965) Tom 161, No.6, English Transl: Soviet Math. Mar-April, 1965 v. 6 N2 (592-595) |
28. | (with A. Ju. Lev, and V.D. Milman) Convolution of information in the classical probabilistic scheme. Problemy Peredaci Informa 2 (1966), vyp. 2., 29-38, Math. Rev. v. 34, 8877 |
29. | Sublinear envelope of functionals; Applications. Theses of short communications of the ICM, Section V, Moscow (1966), 65 |
30. | Sublinear continuations of functionals. Dokl. Akad NAUK SSSR Tom 186 (1969), No. 2 English trans. Soviet Math. Pohl Vol. 10 (1969) No. 3 |
31. | Facial characterization of convex sets; Extremal elements. Trudy Moscow Math. Obsc. 22 (1970), English trans. Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. Vol. 22 (1970), 69-139 |
32. | On the set of minimal extensions of a subadditive functional. Topics in functional analysis. Advances in mathematics supplementary studies, Vol. 3, 1978 |
33. | Eine geometrische Ungleichung und ihre Anwendung. General Inequalities 2, ISNM 47, 1980 |
34. | The central function of the boundary of a domain and its differentiable properties. Journal of Geometry, Vol. 14/2, 1980 |
35. | (with Z. Waksman) On topological properties of the central set of a bounded domain in Rm. Journal of Geometry, Vol. 15/1, 1981 |
36. | The abstract linear boundary problem (a non group approach). Integral Equations and Operator Theory Vol. 9 (1986) |
David Milman biograpical by I.Gohberg, M.Livshic and I.Piatetski-Shapiro
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